Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I had to share - I just saw a white bunny run in front of the house. This is the first wild animal I have seen since I have been here, and I suspect that it might actually be the only wild animal a lot of these kids have seen recently if the show of young boys with hockey sticks running after it was any indication. It was pretty funny. The rabbit was no bigger than the hares back home and pure white too. I believe the little guy was able to avoid his avid fans/hunters and make a quick and successful getaway.

School starts up for the little peeps around here tomorrow with brand spankin' new floors - lucky devils. Let's hope that their curiosity with the new floors will bring in more students than ever. Education is so important and yet there seems to be a barrier preventing the children from understanding the benefits of a solid education. One can only hope that over the next few years with the added help of television, internet and other influences they see what they can achieve if they apply themselves - the prosperity of this town is counting on it.

The new High School is slated to be built for winter 2010, and it's going to be a very nice one indeed. A lot of hard work is going into it, although now all the workers have gone home for a well deserved 2 month break, hopefully some have gone very far south to enjoy a bit of sunshine and sandy beach (not the lava rock kind of beach around here).

The first few days of 2010 have been surprisingly mild for us on the rock. Today was simply beautiful, sunny and warm so Hope and I took advantage and trekked around the village and all our favorite trails that we hadn't been on in a while due to the incumbent weather.

I have also been able to focus some of my downtime here on painting and have finished one print. (see photo), next to tackle is a polar bear picture that I unfortunately had to pull off of the World Wide Web...argh, was hoping to get some live shots, but even with my hanging out like an Elvis fan at the dump hoping for a glimpse, alas, nothing has appeared but ugly ol' ravens. Big beaks on those suckers!

Keeping fingers crossed that some substitute teaching will take place over the next few weeks, if not it will be hard to stay in Sanikiluaq. No work is not so good and to top it off, Hope can't walk in the really cold weather - it's not like at home here, the cold is dry and well, cold. So she can't go far and that could mean trouble for us...sigh, the life of an old spoiled dog eh?

I have heard that there are very kind people who are taking care of the driveway of our house in Russell - shout out to the Racin's and all their hard work. Thanks a million - great neighbours are hard to come by, we are definitely spoiled! I will be sure to bring you back a picture of a rabbit! ;)

Yesterday Joe and Lindsay arrived back in Sani for the new school season, unfortunately their house didn't fare well while they were gone and the pipes froze, so Terry and I treated them to a spaghetti meal and I attempted to make a garlic loaf in my bread cooker...while the loaf was very tasty, it didn't rise...need to practice more with the bread machine, although our bodies might not take too kindly to all the samples we will have to eat! ha!!

Hope everyone had a safe return to work this week.

Yours in writing,



  1. Despite the cold, it sounds like you are having an amazing time learning and exploring new things!! Such an experience!!

    May the New Year bring all of you health, happiness, and all other good things!!


  2. There was a polar bear early evening yesterday! But not recommended to go out of sight from houses this time of the year! Polar Bear season! Anyways be careful when you go for your walks!
