Monday, November 30, 2009

1st day - 1st impressions...

This house is GREAT but (yes there is a 'but', but it's small), it was built by (me being PC) 'vertically challenged people'. I know this because the shower water shoots out at about mid-chest level and I actually have to bend over to get my face in the shower head spray...poor Terry, it is REALLY low for him.

This is not a jab at short people I promise, but definitely made for a funny shower this morning! :) Breakfast consisted of some toast, an orange and some milk (which I didn't finish and stored the rest back in the fridge - you learn to save everything). I got out on my own today and explored this wonderful little hamlet and it's very short people. The kids are by far the most beautiful looking children I have ever seen. They never stop smiling and are beautifully untouched by societal expectations and influences. They follow you everywhere and ask your name numerous time. Hope has made friends with many and has even scared a few of the adults - she is having a really good time.

It has been snowing since I woke up but the weather is mild. We walked and walked and walked this morning, taking it all in. I did get some great pictures, and hope to get them up shortly. Am having a hard time connect the wireless router which would make everything easier. Will see what I can do about that tomorrow.

My afternoon consisted of unpacking and more unpacking. I did make it out to the school to meet with the Principle quickly and pick up the necessary forms to apply as a substitute teacher. I then hopped over (as per Terry's suggestion) to the local Hamlet (Township office) and met with Mohamed. What an amazing man. He was recruited to come here 2 years ago from Toronto to help but this place back into shape. His focus has been and continues to be the young children - the future of this community. Since his rein the hamlet has gone from a 1$million deficit to a $1million surplus. We really hit it off and I am hoping to be able to help the Hamlet in a lot of it's programs with a specific focus on their young teenage girls.

Tonight is not a good night for Sani...the plane came in from Winnipeg at 1 today and since then many of the townspeople have been illegally drinking. It was a very interesting night. As we were walking around town keeping an eye on things we had two 11 girls following us and playing with Hope. We ran into a young woman who was intoxicated, aggressive and extremely vulgar - it was hard for me to imagine the two young smiling little girls turning out like this, but alcohol is definitely NOT their friend. Terry and Mike have been out most of the night chasing down the bad guys and will probably have to spend the night at the jail or out and about.

More unpacking tomorrow, some bread making and a dinner date! One of the local nurses has invited us over for dinner at 6:30. Looking forward to meeting some more of these interesting people.

More to come...


  1. Glad to see you made it there safely and are already finding your place. Definitely sounds like you are embarking on an interesting and memorable adventure!!

    Remember,CAAWS offers a lot of resources and various programs targeting Aboriginal and young girls. Check out the website and don't hesitate to ask me anything.

    Take care!!


  2. Hey Steph, that's great. I will definitely be in touch when I figure out what programs they are running. Good call. Hope you and the baby are feeling well! xo

