Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have come to realize that I am very domesticated. I firmly believe that I missed my calling in life and should have been a "home maker" from day 1. Ah well, finally understanding how busy those of us who don't head to an office every day really are.

Still in the middle of boxes (we had 53 in total shipped up and Terry and I each brought up some stuff with us) so things are slowing finding their happy place in the house. Of course I seem to be easily distracted with all the fun and exciting things to do here. For example, Hope and I walk for almost 2 hours every morning. We don't plan on going that long, but so far the weather has been great and we just keep putting one foot in front of the other and see where we end up. We also stop to talk to a lot of the locals. :)

Today at lunch Terry and I went for a run outside. It was pretty funny seeing people's reaction - not quite sure what to do with us...I think perhaps they thought we were running from bears?

Last night was a treat. One of the nurses is originally from Malaysia and she whipped up an asian delight for dinner. We were lucky enough to be invited and to enjoy this gourmet dinner. The only downfall to the entire evening was the realization that I have to reciprocate and whip up something just as good. Not like we have all the ingredients in the world up here. Maybe I will just order a pizza from Dominos.

After dinner last night we went for a walk around town (around 10:30PM) and collected a bunch of avid followers. Kids don't seem to have curfews around here. Granted it was a beautiful night but at one point Terry, Hope and I had about 20 little munchkins running around asking a million questions at once - mostly in Inuktitut. So while Ter looks great and is having a conversation with everyone, I am looking a little sheepish...maybe by the end of my two years I will know how to communicate better in Inuktitut.

Today I am heading over to the Community Hall to meet with some of the young people (teenagers). I have been asked by the Hamlet (township) to run a Hip Hop program for the youth here. Apparently they LOVE hiphop and they thought that my close relationship with Jay-Z and Beyonce would make for some fun activities...uh huh. So we shall see what happens at this meeting and what the kids are looking for.

I was able to get some xmas decorations up yesterday. Apparently you can get a real xmas tree - you have to order it this weekend and the cost is a mere $ why is it so darn expensive in Ottawa when we actually GROW them??? Weird. There is not a tree in sight on the island, looks a bit like a new subdivision in Barrhaven or Orleans. :)

Word of the day is Ilook. 10 points for whoever can figure that one out.

Hope everyone is having a great week! I miss everyone. xo


  1. When you say it, two years is definitely a long time!! I'm sure you'll come back with many memories and new things you've learned!!

    Quick question - are the winters there similar to that of say, Whitehorse, where you only have like 6 hours of daylight?

    Good luck with the hip hop class!!


  2. Hey Steph, 2 years DOES seem like a long time, but I am already 4 days in...what's another 600+ days eh???

    Luckily we are far enough south that we have similar light to Ottawa. It gets bright in the morning around 730 and stays light right now until about 4-4:30. not so bad. the weather is super volatile though and changes every few minutes due to the severe winds we experience all the time!!!

    It IS quite the experience... :)
