Thursday, December 3, 2009

Long night....beautiful day...

They atvs and skidoos ran all night and it was LOUD, we are talking York Street in Ottawa loud during Frosh week...needless to say it was very quiet today. Only a couple of people had to be thrown into the 'drunk tank' though, and I wasn't one of them. :) So far so good being dry...

Today Hope and I walked for a couple of hours north of Sanikiluaq. We went up past the airport. This place totally takes your breath away with it's vastness and pure white for miles and miles. In it's own way it is a snow desert. :) There are really nice rolling hills all around the town too. It was really cold today (probably -25 with windchill), but sunny out!!!!

I also dropped off my application for substitute teaching and interestingly enough they have a PR course, right up my ally. Also spoke to the person (Debbie) who runs the Arctic college and in the new year I will possibly be running a communications program.

No new news on the hip hop angle, but if anyone feels up to creating some cd's with last year's best hip hop tunes and sending them up that would be wounderful. The internet up here won't allow for large downloads, therefore the kids are limited with the music they can listne too.

Tonight is the walking club, ideally adults are also supposed to join their children on this walk - but it'll be interesting to see if they do. No one walks anywhere here.

Will let you know how the walk goes tonight, no doubt Hope will encourage the little folk to join us.


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