Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

'White Christmas' has an entire new meaning...

I know most of you are now experiencing a thaw, as we always seem to have at this time of the year, but up here there is no chance that a thaw will occur anytime soon - apparently there is still ice in June, so this is one of many firsts at Christmastime 2009. Maybe, like my birthday, Christmas festivities will have to continue until June 2010??? ha ha - poor Terry.

Christmas Eve the boys were busy the entire day, so no half- day for them. Hope and I spent the day cooking, walking and enjoying some 'alone' time...that doesn't happen much. ;) The day was perfect, about -8 with no wind (I repeat, NO WIND) and sunny. I decided to go for a run and take the pooch with me. I was excited about it - she wasn't. We ran up to the airport and to appease the dog, we continued on to the dump - all were happy AND I felt I could eat way more for xmas-eve dinner...which I did.

Steak and potatoes was our repas for the evening and surprise, neighbours Johnny, Debbie, Katlin and Bill invited us over for an amazing seafood chowder. Oh My God - it was awesome. The entire evening of eating, chatting and laughter was a worthy Christmas Eve. Did I mention how delicious that seafood chowder was? I believe this might be a new tradition for us...:)

I did end up opening two gifts on Christmas eve: a beautiful painting of a drum dancer that Terry got when he visited Iqaluit and an authentic pair of Northern slippers he brought from Nain. I was spoiled. He opened up Super Mario for Wii and a little something something from my parents which he continues to enjoy today. ;)

Christmas morning we ran downstairs to see if Santa had indeed dropped off some more gifts, only to realize that he would have been plum outta luck considering we don't have a chimney...and who wants to break into a cop's house?? He was best to be safe! So we got to eating some breaky, drinking some hot chocolate and getting to the rest of our gifts. I also got some beautiful jewelry (made out of caribou antler and walrus tusk), a new watch, a printer AND a return flight home!!!!! I love Terry!!!! He got a few more games for the Wii (including CSI, right up his alley), some clothes and an Ipod docking system which he has been proudly playing country music on since he opened it - as he says "it's mine right?"...

We had hoped to head out ski-dooing but never got around to it as we were too lazy. So we enjoyed the day all 3 of us together (and our extra house guest) and started our own traditions... (wink wink). We did cook the turkey that Mike supplied and while it was ironically fully cooked by 3 it was still juicy at 6. Good to go! I pick up my horrible turkey cooking skills from Mom - right Mom? I did find out that Terry makes an awesome turkey gravy though, who knew?

Yesterday evening we spent 8 hours playing the new Super Mario game. It is similar to the old one but you can play up to 4 people at the same time. It was crazy but a lot of fun. The games around town started at 10 last night and continue today. Out in the Bay there was a huge gathering of people all getting ready to play some form of winter games. And I expect we will see more of that throughout the week and I will try and get some good pictures!!

No big boxing day sale at the Norther or the Co-op, but we will make our way down and see if there are any sales on?!!! Wishful thinking I believe.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Christmas!

Miss you all.

DJ, Terry & Hope


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