Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cold, Teaching and Christmas Concert

Today was a whole bundle of fun and different things. This morning's agenda was to see DJ off teaching by 8am. Both of us dragged our derrieres out of bed by 7 (I know a lot of you are groaning about this, but it has been over a month since I have gotten up before 8am) and were ready to rock and roll by 7:30, when I received a call from the school Principal - school's canceled this morning due to the ongoing blizzard. Ok. Sure. I can handle that right? Negative, I then had to come to terms with the fact that Hope and I had to go for a walk...in the blizzard...again. It's like cheap exfoliation for the skin, makes it all soft and sparkly (at least that's what I keep telling myself). Anyway I make myself a nice hot cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows quite often! Inset is my cup of coco!

Things started to clear a bit around lunchtime and school was back on. I was heading in to teach high school kids a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Actually the Christmas concert/pageant was tonight, so not much teaching took place and in fact, didn't have too many kids join me in class. I am to return tomorrow and should have more to say on that matter. I start with a couple of math classes in the morning (you know, because I am so Einstein brilliant) and then on to English in the afternoon. Ok. Sure. I can handle that right??? I will let you know.

The Christmas pageant or concert as the kids called it was put on at the school this evening. It was definitely an interesting experience. Because of the blizzard getting ready for the concert was a little behind, but the kids and staff pulled it together and it was an entertaining evening. Each class either did a little skit or sang a song. Seemed like the whole town showed up!!!!

Back to school tomorrow - wish me luck! Will no doubt have even better tails. Apparently the weather is supposed to improve with a balmy high of -10 (am praying that this is true!).

Have a great night!!!


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