Friday, December 4, 2009

Walk = success!!!

Did you know that 50 to 60 kids running around outside is mob-like and loud??? There was no polar bear about to approach us last night with all the people (well kids) who joined the walking club. I should preface that the club was actually to encourage adults to come out and walk...but they just came around on their ski-doos and ATVs and dropped their kids off...uh, not quite what we had in mind. We did have a couple of the village elders join us - a very important visual in a community like this.

A lot of the kids never have exercise, so this was a big night for them. We had a great walk (I do have some photos and will post shortly), they kids were all very happy, not one complaint about being tired, cold or bored. They are so unspoiled here that our attention to their conversation was gift enough. It also helped that the weather was clear and the moon was bright. We walked up to the airport and back into town.

Interestingly there was a polar bear spotted at the airport this morning - coincidence??? A couple of you have mentioned bringing a radio/walki-talky with me, I think that is a great idea...or I could just stick near town. :)

Today was my first day where I actually felt relaxed and even a bit lonely. I haven't really had time to miss the comforts of home, but I did today. I started making a list of things I will need (can you believe I forgot to pack broth????) and found myself somewhat disbelieving that I will be here for the next year and a half. So I pulled out my paints and started to make some wall decorations. Terry and I just got back from our nighttime walk, this one just the two of us and it was most romantic. We stopped in at the Northern Store as they were having a "customer appreciation night", although couldn't figure out what exactly was on sale...perhaps it was the frozen pizzas at $16? Or maybe the case of 12 pop for $19? :) Good news, eggs and cheese are relative to the south...bad news - milk is WAY expensive. Ah well, who knew my splurges would no longer be on shoes but on milk??? :)

We are hoping to head out for a snowmobile ride tomorrow and maybe catch some pictures of arctic foxes as well as get some fresh cod. We need to keep taking advantage of this good weather. It was again mild today, about -2 but with some good winds. Tonight a storm has blown in, but it's still warm, just windy and snowy. Very pretty and christmassy.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Miss you! Thank you for all your comments, I love reading them!



  1. I so look forward to reading your blog and am happy to hear that things are going well. There really is such a sense of community in small towns...I'm sure you will enjoy it to the fullest!

    Did you get on your snowmobile ride? Oh how fun!!! Did I mention how jealous I was????

    Take care and please keep the updates coming.

    Miss you at the office!

