Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Terry told me today that it is "tips eve"...and apparently everyone gets a little "tipsy" on the night before xmas eve. I have several observations about this East Coast tradition. 1 - we can't do it here, so that SUCKS. 2 - honestly, what East Coaster needs an excuse to get tipsy? And finally, aren't you supposed to spend the entire holidays tipsy? Maybe that's just a Norris tradition???

The weather has been really nice here the past few days - windy, but heck that is now par for the course. I just try pretend I am somewhere in the Caribbean where the wind never stops blowing...and no, before you ask it's not working. But yesterday to make myself feel better I did check out some potential hot spots for our future trip down south in March. Holy Toledo I am looking forward to that...and seeing all my family and comrades too of course! Terry did say that Tahiti might be a bit far and pricey. Fine, how `bout Hawaii??? Muahahaha!

We had our first experience with foodmail this week. While the Northern and the Co-op definitely provide the essentials that you need it can be quite pricey so we are lucky enough to be able to order food from the Metro in Val d'Or Quebec. The order had to be in last Thursday for it to arrive this week before xmas. Certain foods are subsidized - specially healthy foods and others are charged an extra cargo fee. It's not the same as heading over to the local grocer and getting what you need but what did come was fresh and in good shape. I failed somewhere though as we spent too much, and the cost was mostly on shipping fees and not on the food. Hopped on the phone today to speak to the kind folks at Metro but of course, everyone is gone to celebrate the season. A learning curve to be tackled in the new year.

Mike was smart enough to order a turkey on the barge order (you can make very large orders twice a year on the barge) so for xmas day we plan on having a traditional feast, with just a few improvisations...outcome to be determined. :) Presents are under the tree, stockings are stuffed and only a few more things to bake before I can.....relax ('cause I haven't been doing that enough lately eh?).

Our new little house guest is adapting quite nicely to our family. We have all decided that Mom and Dad should ship the fat cat Maggie up here and we will switch Maggie with Duncan - wonder if Lindsay and Joe would notice. When she jumps on them at night they certainly might notice a difference...suffocation is an awful thing.

To throw a little mix into the festive traditional we are having lasagna tonight. While we put in the order for foodmail I must have missed the fact that we had not more meet left other than chicken drum sticks and filet mignon (while I know most of you are saying "so what", it actually does leave a lot to be desired), and didn't order anything other than a couple of fish filets and 2 chicken breasts (I actually thought they were going to be whole chickens). Therefore, we are limited with our meats and had to pick some ground beef at the Co-op...I need variety.

Bon apétît à tous!


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