Thursday, December 10, 2009

Going once, going twice....SOLD to the highest bidder...

So tonight I had my first taste of an arctic auction. :) To raise money for the school they have random auctions, and the stuff there is GOOD. We are talking beautiful seal skin or beaver mitts, paintings, carvings and most importantly cheaper flights. Obviously the last part, the cheap flights, is the most popular. For example, to fly to Montreal at regular price is about $2k, the flights at the action ran for $1300, a good deal for sure. They also had flights up further North - hello, you are already in the arctic, why do you need to go North??? What's that song with "Go West"...change it to "Go South"! Ah well, when in Rome...ha ha, just kidding - we didn't buy any tickets to go North, staying in good ol' Sanikiluaq.

The auction was not only a good spot to pick up some cool local gear it was also a good place to people watch. Some of the folks that came to the auction were dragged off their hunting boats or away from skinning a seal, I swear. Ah, all auctions always bring out the cream of the crop! :) It was a good time though, the auctioneer was hilarious and after the auction patiently told Terry and I the story about how Sanikiluaq came to be. I didn't get it all and will have to sit down with Johnny in the near future to better understand.

Got home from the auction a little late (which means that I missed Survivor at 8 and have to wait around until 11 to watch the next episode...several concerns here, I am TIRED and the TV isn't working...again). That's getting pretty darn old, so will have to spend another 2 hours with Bell again tomorrow to figure out the problem ARGH. Go Brett!!!!

Tomorrow is Friday - I can't believe the time is going by so fast. Still no work other than the Hip Hop program but people in the community have said to be patient. This time of year everything shuts down and I have to get to better know the community and it's people - a lot of trust needs to be built before they hire you. I would officially offer to dog walk all the huskies, but I am smarter than that - right Mom? I enjoy my arm firmly and happily ensconced into my shoulder socket thank you very much. Speaking of huskies, one guy got free from his rope tonight as we were taking a walk and tried to impress Hope with his high jumps and bum smelling antics - she of course, was having nothing of it, and continued on with her swagger. A real tease that one. He gave up following as I think he got tired peeing on all the things poking out of the snow - she isn't easily impressed...that'a girl.

Tomorrow is Friday - no doubt some excitement will happen and I will be sure to keep you all posted. Hope everyone is getting their xmas shopping done as xmas is only 15 days away!!!!



  1. Hey Danielle

    I am a daily visitor and I love these updates! I am also more than a little jealous! I would suggest you could write a book once you're done!
    Leanne Persicke
