Monday, December 7, 2009


I am officially reformed. A reformed shopper that is. As someone with classic shop-o-holic syndrome, everyone must be proud of the fact that I have gone to the Northern store 3 times and bought nothing, zip, zero, nada!!!!! aha - therefore I am REFORMED...for now anyway. Granted I have not been to the CO-OP and I here that it has anything and everything you need...uh oh. TROUBLE.

I did send off a few Christmas cards's starting to FEEL a lot like Christmas. Snow has been around since I arrived last Sunday but it just seems so normal here that you think Christmas has come and gone. People have decorated their houses and it is really cute. Speaking of the houses here, I do have to say that everyone makes a pretty good effort at keeping their house up. They all seem freshly painted in bright colours, making the landscape look like a fishing village in Newfoundland, or anywhere else on the coast most likely.

Re: Hip Hop. I met with the Hamlet today and we figured out a plan for the Hip Hop. The Coaches are practicing as we speak, although it was supposed to only be the 3 of them, somehow half the population of kids have come out to try it out. Some will be duly disapointed when they are refused entry into the program due to low grades. We have tied the program to the school, ensuring that those who join have a minimum average of 60% and an attendance rate of at least 3 days a week...yes you read that right. So stay tuned for more Hip Hop adventure. The great news about this good program is that I have confirmed I will be invoicing them at the end of the program in March - how much is yet to be determined... :)

It was a nice day here again and Terry and I went for a run at lunch. Plans for tonight are a lovely meal of Arctic Char and an evening walk with all the kids. I didn't get around to working on any painting today, I really can't believe how bloody busy you are when you don't work. I used to wonder how Mom, on her days off, wouldn't find time to read...well Mom, I now understand!!!! If this keeps up there is no worry about running out of books anytime soon!!!

Hope everyone had a great day and even better night - I hear a lot of Ontario is going to get nailed with a big winter storm - be safe!!!!


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