Monday, December 21, 2009

Rock....a whole lotta rock...

Hope has yet to realize that this entire island is made of rocks. Every time she finds a rock (which is about every 2 steps) it's like Christmas all over again. So I thought that I should let you share in her utter joy of rock finding. It's a whole new dog game. She is usually a stick fan but alas, there are none to be found on this island so she is resorting to rocks, rocks and more rocks. Ah well, whatever works.

Today was my first day on my Christmas holiday. So I made sure to take full advantage. This morning was a nice long walk (it was sunny with little wind, but coooooold) and then some reading, a nice lunch with Terry and a short nap in the afternoon followed by some painting. My first print should be done soon and putting some colour on our walls. :) Once Christmas is over this house might look as barren as the least as colourless. I really can't complain about the house. Found out the other day that the two houses are valued at $1.5 million. It is absolutely ridiculous but the cost of housing in the North is extremely high due to the difficulty in getting supplies.

Mario Mario Mario...

This weekend was quiet, except for the 100 games of Mario Kart (thanks Lindsay and Joe!). I have never been a ''gamer'' but wow, I really really really have a great time kicking Terry's butt in the driving races!! Ha ha, just kidding, that guy is a Super Mario pro!

The winter games start up next week, should be lots to report on then. The weather is supposed to hold up for the rest of the week, with sunshine for Christmas Eve and Day.

Tomorrow should be another repeat of today...hard to take. I am going to enjoy doing NOTHING this year, next year will be right back at it!!

Also wanted to include a picture of the blizzard - this is Hope and I outside trying to 'enjoy' a few moments of fresh air. Problem is that when we tried to breath we sucked in big gulps of snow. Crazy! No blizzards in the near forecast but I am sure it is only a matter of time!!!

Happy Monday!


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