Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Workings of Sanikiluaq

Now that we have had a chance to settle in, I have a better understanding of what makes this little down tick. The islands themselves, the Belcher Islands are a large mass of volcanic rock (lets hope there is no imminent volcano explosion like the one about to happen in the Philippines). Our little town is located at the southern end of Flaherty island, one of the 1500 islands comprising it's total sum. So what does all this mean? Well for starters, there are fresh water lakes throughout the islands and we have one located right beside the town.

Each house is equipped with it's own very large water tank. I was a bit worried in the beginning and would cut my showers down to 2 or 3 minutes (not easy when you have a mop of hair on your head like mine) but our tank has yet to empty since I have been here and that is 3 of us using the supply (no I am not counting the dog, rather our neighbour Mike). I have yet to figure out just how many water trucks there are in town because I tend to confuse them with the sewer and diesel trucks (hope the drivers don't get confused!!). These water trucks go to the water station right across the street from us and pump fresh water out of the lake. During the winter you will see the townsfolk head out on the lake and chop out large blocks of ice. This is to drink as the actual lake water is full of minerals and the trucks that deliver the water are not cleaned all that much...we buy our drinking water from the Northern.

Along with large water tanks each house hosts a lovely above ground septic tank. All the houses are built on stilts, for various reasons, and the septic tank is visible under the house. So far I have estimated, in the almost month that I have been here, these are cleaned out bi-monthly for us. Now I have not been able to do a comparison to see if we "foreigners" fill up the tanks faster or not, but I have been told that our "poop" stinks really bad. :)

All houses heat by diesel. So along with the water tanks (housed inside the houses), the septic tanks (housed under the houses) you will also find an outdoor diesel barrel that sits high up on stilts. All the trucks run 6 days a week except Sunday (sucks to be you if you forgot to order the water). They randomly visit houses around the community and make sure that these things function. All these jobs are run by the Hamlet or township office, as we know it.

There is a gas station in town to keep all the ATVs, Ski-doos, work trucks and other motorized machinery running. They have two large drums that hold the gas for the season. The gas is shipped in on the barge - so again, a lot of planning has to be done for this, including ordering enough diesel.

There is also a Housing Corporation that takes care of the rental houses and the new buildings that are going up around town. I would have to say that things in Sanikiluaq are booming. There are a bunch of new housing units that have gone up on the southern side of town, all different colours, and are yet to be complete. Knowing we have the highest birth-rate in Canada I guess this should not come as a surprise. There is a need for housing.

Finally there is a Northern Store (The Bay), a Co-op, Arctic College, Daycare centre, School (k to 12), a convenience store, wildlife centre, fire truck and recreation center plus the RCMP detachment. And of course, a hotel. :)

I have to admit that I thought moving out here would be quieter, but there is more noise here than at home. For one Ski-doos are noisier than cars and everyone has a Ski-doo. Second, the big trucks have less than 9 kms of roads, so you hear them everywhere! Also, the 3 snowplows in town never stop running...so it's a noisy and busy little community.

To all my steadfast followers, have a great evening!



  1. I must say you put this lil info well. Made me smile because I (we) don't notice these things until someone mentions them. lol.

    I, for one have lived in a city like Montreal and Ottawa, been in Toronto for 3 weeks for work and I can say that when you go somewhere distant it's like going out on the land but in a modern way LOL you make sure you don't leave something useful.

    BTW, the south side is the lake beside your house and the new houses are in north east.

    I hope you enjoy your stay. We are glad to have you here.


  2. Thanks Mary, I am all geographically confused!!!
